Upwork profile

Offshore marine logistics software


Product Designer | Lead UX/UI designer

Project goal

👉 Task – As a lead UX/UI designer at PlanSea Solutions, I was responsible for the entire desktop UX/UI design development, including the operational management control software, fleet optimization software, and vessel scheduling software. This software was specifically designed to cater to the offshore oil and gas marine support sector.

Current voyages dashboard

Skills and deliverables

Logistics Management
Supply Chain & Logistics
User Experience Design
UI/UX Prototyping


👉 To achieve this, I conducted deep research to understand the industry's unique requirements and pain points. Leveraging my expertise in user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) design, I crafted an intuitive and visually appealing desktop interface to enhance the efficiency of collaboration in the oil and gas industry.

👉 To address requirements and pain points, I figured out the five main flows in the dashboard: Current Plan, Voyages, Results, Map, and Analytics. This approach allowed me to implement a more organized and streamlined user experience, ensuring easy access to essential information and efficient software navigation.

👉 In addition to my design responsibilities, I prepared all the necessary assets and documentation for the development team, ensuring the smooth implementation of the designs and collaborating closely with the teams.

Chart view of voyages planned
Statistic summary by captain and his ship
Map view of voyages planned
Mind Map presents logical connections and different user scenarios
Project has 120 wireframes with different screens and states
Style Guide covers the color palettes and font choices